SUPPOrT US for Our work

Your support enables
1. Our pediatricians to visit orphanages, primarily in Kinshasa (DR Congo) to provide free consultation and free primary care to orphans. We need you support to buy rapid test kits and medication.
2. Our pediatricians to conduct auscultation campaigns in DRC to screen children for heart disease. Then positive cases are called back for echocardiography. We need your support to reach more children and each auscultation costs us £5 and echo costs us £45 per child.
Medical Centre
We are setting up our own medical centre so that we can offer a fix place for children to reach us from everywhere.
Please join our charity and become a sponsor with a monthly/yearly contribution of your choice.
We need 200 people (now 0) to give £5 a month, 100 people (now 3) to donate £10 a month and 50 people (now 0) to support us with £20 a month.
Bank Transfer
You are welcome to donate via wire transfer using the information below
Sort Code: 80 22 60
Account number: 26262669
By Email
Email us and let us know the amount and we will send you a payment link for your donation